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 About your Calendar
Your FirstClass Calendar is like a personal diary. Unlike your personal diary, you can permit other people to view and update your FirstClass Calendar. This allows everyone to schedule meetings at mutually convenient times.1803_95231_0.pngdocmargin.png
quickfacts.png Calendar quick facts

•       Your calendar can be seen by any employee.
•       Students, parents, or visitors to our school web site cannot see your calendar.
•       You can invite anyone on FirstClass to an event, however only employees can invite you to an event.
•       You can change the access of your calendar.
•       Events and tasks automatically expire after <#days> days.
•       You can change the expiry period of your calendar events and tasks.

You'll need about 30 minutes to complete this tutorial. The tutorial concentrates on how to:
•       create a calendar event and task
•       change how you want to view your calendar
•       understand how your calendar is viewed by other employees
•       change the permissions (advanced)

Go to the Calendar Tutorial and complete the Events and Tasks.


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